System requirements
The Computate Smart Cloud Deployer is an open source project builder that runs on a Linux x86_64 computer. Supported Linux distributions include:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
- CentOS Stream 9
- Fedora 34+
- Other Linux distros may also be supported
What is the Computate Smart Cloud Deployer?
Learn how to deploy open source smart device microservices to the cloud and try out your own secure IoT smart platform with built-in security.
Modern development tools
Learn how to install all the latest cloud deployment tools on your own computer like VSCode, Jupyter, Ansible, Helm, and OpenShift command line interface, and start deploying microservices to the cloud like a modern cloud developer.
Cloud-native microservices
Deploy modern microservices to an OpenShift Local environment on your own laptop in development, or in production. Applications include FIWARE IoT Agent JSON, ScorpioBroker FIWARE Context Broker, certificate management, event bus application clustering, databases, a search engine, and single sign-on server for securing and scaling your data-driven website.
Cloud-native microservices
Deploy modern open source microservices including Cert Manager for TLS site certificates, Apache Zookeeper cluster manager, Apache Solr search engine, PostgreSQL relational database, MongoDB No-SQL database, RabbitMQ message broker, Keycloak single sign-on authentication and authorization, and reactive—event bus driven applications.
Manage cloud secrets
Learn how to configure secrets in the cloud that allow applications to connect to each other securely.
Configure relational databases
Set up access to a new database for your applications.
Configure fine-grain authorization to data
Create authentication realms, clients, OAuth identity providers, and fine-grain resources, scopes, policies, and permissions to data and dashboards.
Connect it all together by deploying a complete data-driven website
Learn how to configure and deploy a custom data-driven website like with articles, events, courses, products, services, and smart data models, so that you can do it yourself.
Watch the free Smart Aquaculture webinar on Zoom or live streaming to Youtube.
Watch the smart-aquaculture project use the Computate Smart Cloud Deployer to deploy all the required microservices to the cloud, then do live development adding new features to the smart-aquaculture project in OpenShift AI VSCode Java Workbench.